Scooter Safety Tips

  • Obey ALL applicable general traffic regulations. Such as stop signs and keeping to the right of the roadway.
  • Consider crossing busy intersections on foot and when making left hand turns.
  • Always wear a properly fitted and fastened helmet.
  • Always use a headlamp and reflectors when operating a motorized foot scooter during the hours of darkness.
  • Never operate a motorized foot scooter with any passenger in addition to the operator.
  • Never operate a motorized foot scooter upon a sidewalk, except as may be necessary to enter or leave adjacent property.
  • Never operate a motorized foot scooter unless it is equipped with a brake that will enable the operator to make a braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
  • Never operate a motorized foot scooter on roadways with a designated speed limit in excess of 25 miles per hour.
  • Never attach the motorized foot scooter to yourself while on the roadway, by any means, to any other vehicle on the roadway, including other scooters or bicycles.
  • STAY ALERT FOR MOTOR VEHICLES AND PEDESTRIANS!! You are a lot smaller than cars and trucks, therefore, harder to see and often unexpected. BE SAFE!